Dosage and Administration
Varumin® 1 in adults is taken an hour before eating, 50 ml at a time. After 6 hours, it is continued with Varumin® 2 dosing, four times daily one teaspoon (10 ml), an hour before eating.
In cases with metastatic tumours on solid tissues Varumin® 2 is dosed five times daily, one teaspoon (10 ml) one hour before a meal.
Children: Varumin® 1 is dosed twice in 6 hours, one hour before a meal. After 6 hours, it is continued with dosing Varumin® 2, three times daily one teaspoon (10 ml), one hour before a meal. Children, who are younger than 10 years, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Time and duration of therapy: Varumin® is used continuously for 4 weeks. Improved patient’s condition is a good indication for continuing with the therapy.