They wrote to us
Varumin® has successes in the treatment of s that are not achievable in modern medicine. We would like to share some of them:
Stefan had grade IV neuroblastoma. He was treated with a surgical way, and even chemotherapy. The prognosis of this disease is poor. Stefan is successfully cured thanks to Varumin®.
Elisabeth is a doctor of medicine. She was diagnosed with CIN I, with the presence of HPV 58. She has used Varumin® for two months and further analysis confirmed the absence of HPV.
Patient with HPV in CIN III, used Varumin® during pregnancy. Gave birth to her healthy girl and CIN is reduced.
Metastatic pancreatic
with metastasis in the skeleton
corticis glandulae suprarenalis,
Medullary hyperplasia glandulae suprarenalis
Cured from Ca pulmonum
Success of Varumin® treatment for metastatic breast
Cystadenocarcinoma ovarii metastaticum