Liver cancer

  • Vague discomfort or persistent pain under the right rib, which sometimes radiates into the centre of the back and the right shoulder
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea and fatigue
  • Sometimes slight increase in temperature
  • Arching under the right rib
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
  • Enlarged abdominal at exudation (ascites) in advanced stage

Primary liver tumours are rare. In Europe these are represented only by two percent of all malignant tumours. They usually occur in alcoholics with cirrhosis. More often we meet with the spreading of malignant tumours into the liver from other abdominal organs, bowel, ovarian or from the breast . Primary liver , however, is one of the most common malignant tumour in areas of Africa and Asia, particularly in the areas of chronic hepatitis occurrence.


Tumours at an early stage usually do not cause any trouble. With progressive disease the occasional abdominal discomfort vary to a persistent pain and other symptoms occur, such as weight loss, jaundice and abdominal bloating. In advanced stages severe pains and exudate (ascites) are typical due to fluid accumulation. Patients are usually annoyed also by indigestion, nausea and fever.


If the of the liver is detected, strive to minimize as much as possible to lower the demands on this organ. Eat more frequently small doses of food low in fat. Consult an expert to optimize dietary regime. Do not drink alcohol and take only prescribed medications. Do not eat savory dishes because they retain fluid.



When the pains are strong pain morphine or other opioids are administered. Diuretics (water pills) are given at the exudate in the abdominal cavity. Liver tumours, which can not be operated on, including metastases from other organs, are treated with chemotherapy.


The liver has an admirable regeneration ability. The removal of the tumour is the only chance for a cure. Treatment involves a freezing technique (cryosurgery) or destruction of tumour using radiological methods. These methods are selected so that in the liver there are often several tumour lodes found and their surgical removal is not possible.

If the liver is affected by cirrhosis, the chances of success of surgery is reduced. Sometimes, however, the aim of the surgery is not to remove the tumor, but pain relieves and other difficulties. In exceptional cases, the liver is transplanted.

Combined treatment

Surgery removes the largest tumour, is followed by radiation and chemotherapy, which should destroy the remaining diseased cells. This procedure usually does not cure the , but eases the pain.


The best prevention of primary liver is not to drink alcohol. Protective is the vaccination against hepatitis.


People with chronic hepatitis and with the increased possibility of with ous substances should undergo regular examinations of the liver that can detect at an early stage when treatment is still possible.
